How to warm up before starting exercise | Warm Up Before Exercise

How to warm up before starting exercise | Warm Up Before Exercise

How to warm up before starting exercise
How to warm up before starting an exercise

How to warm up before starting exercise?

An important part of the exercise is the warm-up Warm-up prepares both the body and mind for exercise. Exercising helps prevent injuries, muscle pulls, heart attacks, etc. Other benefits include - gradually increasing blood circulation in the body, increasing energy, and increasing heart rate. , increasing breathing, increasing the body and muscle temperature, and above all, not putting any sudden stress on the body | If the temperature of the muscle increases, the muscle will be loose and elastic, thereby increasing the oxygen and blood supply to the muscle, which provides nutrients to the muscle | Also, the speed of working of the muscle increases. As a result of up

Many people do not warm up before starting exercise, but it is very harmful or dangerous for the body

Remember, if you exercise without warming up properly, then the exercise will not work properly on your body, in addition, it can harm your body. Many people do abdominal exercises, weight training, aerobics, and even running without warming up. , but it does not get any results, rather it can damage the body

Some warm-up tips:

Warming up means gradually increasing the speed of bodywork/exercise and heart rate. Therefore, warm-up is done through different types of exercises, such as cardio, dynamic stretching, etc.

The warm-up rules for each exercise can be different so that the warm-up is appropriate for the muscle being worked. So when doing the exercise, it is necessary to know in advance what the warm-up of that exercise will be

Warm-up exercises will be slow and easy exercises and you will also reduce the intensity of the exercises

The intensity of the warm-up exercise depends on the physical fitness of the person and the type of exercise to be done

There are many types of warm-up exercises, such as: slow walking, dynamic stretching, slow rowing, stationary cycling, slow, easy aerobics, slow jogging, etc.

For warm-up, you can do any type of exercise for at least 5 minutes (eg: slow walking, jogging, marching, jumping etc.). Then you can do static stretching for 5 minutes to work the muscles Although stretching is not part of the warm-up exercise

It's best to warm up for at least 10 minutes because after 10 minutes your muscles will start to work, your body temperature will rise, you'll start burning calories, and your body weight will start to drop.

If you find yourself sweating lightly after warming up, it means you are now ready to exercise and burn calories. But if your warm-up leaves you feeling tired, it's not a proper warm-up

For a quick warm-up, some extra clothes can be worn, such as a full-sleeve t-shirt over a half-sleeve t-shirt. This will help your body temperature rise faster to warm up.

Examples of some warm-up exercises:

A warm-up can be - 3 minutes of slow/moderate walking, then 2 minutes of brisk walking, then 5 minutes of slow jogging.

For aerobic exercise, you should warm up by marching first, moving your body to the rhythm of the tune, then some dynamic stretching can be done. Or some slow aerobic exercise can be done.

In the case of satar cutting, warm up by cutting the satar slowly at the beginning, then you should cut the star at a speed according to your fitness and ability.

A brisk walk can be warmed up by first walking slowly for 5 minutes, then walking at a moderate speed for 5 minutes.

For running, 5-10 minutes of moderate to brisk walking can be done, or 5 minutes of walking followed by 5 minutes of jogging.

For strength training/weight lifting exercise, any slow-speed cardio, dynamic stretching, etc. can be done for 5-10 minutes. Then the muscle for which weight lifting exercise is to be done, the muscle should be stretched.

In addition to warming up with physical activity, you can also warm up without physical activity, such as: wearing extra clothes, taking a sauna, taking a hot bath, massaging your body, etc. Since it takes time for the body to warm up in winter, it is good to warm up the body. If sweat comes out then, only by exercising, you will get good results

Remember, static stretching is not part of the warm-up. Static stretching can be done by warming up the body properly, when sweating, body temperature and blood circulation increase.

So, dear reader, you understand how important warm-up is for bodybuilding Know how to warm up before starting the exercise, understand it, ask your trainer, then exercise accordingly. And remember, the warm-up for each exercise can be different.

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