7 exercises that will increase your mobility and flexibility

 7 exercises that will increase your mobility and flexibility

increase your mobility and flexibility
increase your mobility and flexibility

Perseverance and flexibility don’t let you slow down. A mobility session will strengthen your whole body and prepare you for a tough workout or busy day

Mobility has become a buzzword when it comes to fitness, but it’s more than just a conventional approach to running better. “It’s your ability to gain and control a certain range of motion,” says Laura Miranda, a New York City-based physical therapist and trainer, DPT, CSCS, founder of Fitness Training Systems, Pursuit. "To perform daily activities or just work painlessly long-term, you need to find a way to work properly through the full arcs of motion."

This is why Miranda created this flow: to help bridge the gap between how much range you should have and how much you actually have. In the routine, you move from one posture to another, holding each for two to three seconds and focusing on the whole body from the neck and shoulders to the buttocks and hamstrings. Take a deep breath in each pose and exhale and engage the core across each step, leaving a neutral spine. The last range of each step should be considered challenging but not painful. If you see that your breathing or form has been compromised, adjust again.

Try it as a warm-up for heavy lifting or high-intensity interval sessions এতে it bleeds and the muscles prime for more movement. You can exercise in the middle of the workday for a much-needed stretch. Whenever you do them, Miranda says, the important thing is to move slowly, move well and feel good.

Do all the exercises, hold each pose for 2 to 3 seconds, or take a full breath. Then repeat 2 or 3 times before changing sides or moving to the following position. In the last rep, hold the final pose for 10 seconds to dial up the gain of strength and stability.

👷Reverse lung with lateral bend

increase your mobility and flexibility
 increase your mobility and flexibility

💪Mobility for: Hip flexors and lower back

Start standing with your legs together. (A) Move the right leg backward in an inverted lunge, bending both knees and holding the pelvis forward. Pressing the right glue. (B) Reach the right hand over the head, then bend the torso and reach the left arm across the body (in the last representative, hold here for 10 seconds). Repeat twice, then switch sides

👷Front fold squat

increase your mobility and flexibility
 increase your mobility and flexibility

💪Mobility for: hamstrings, lower back, ankles, shoulders, and neck

Start standing with feet slightly wider than buttocks-width and bend forward to hold the toes or ankles. (A) Lay down in a deep squat, keeping the chest up and pulling the hamstrings down. Below, use your elbows to push the knees and create tension in the butt and hamstrings (in the last rep, hold here for 10 seconds). (B) Lower the heat and lift the butt, straighten the legs as much as possible without losing contact with the toes or ankles. Do the movement 2 more times.

👷Lower lunge with rotation

increase your mobility and flexibility
 increase your mobility and flexibility

💪Mobility for: Hip flexor, middle back, neck, and shoulders

Start in a plank position, shoulders above wrists, spine aligned from neck to buttocks. Move the left leg forward, keeping the left hand out. Keep the right leg extended from the ground to the knee and press the glue. (A) Place the left hand behind the head, and slowly turn to the left through the middle of the back, reaching the elbows to the sky. Push to the floor with the right hand. (B) Rotate the left elbow down and to the right elbow (in the last representative, hold here for 10 seconds). Then, place the left hand down and return to the left board. Repeat 2 times, then switch sides.

👷Shin box steps forward

increase your mobility and flexibility
 increase your mobility and flexibility

💪Mobility for: Hips and glutes

(A) Sit on the floor with the right leg bent about 90 degrees and bend in front of you; the Left leg bent about 90 degrees, side shin. Facing the torso straight forward, keep the spine neutral and grab the buttocks. (B) Press the glutes to lift the buttocks from the ground. With the weight on the right knee, move the left leg forward to the half-knee position, extend the front to the right buttock flexor and press the right glue (in the last rep, hold here for 10 seconds). Return the left leg to the starting position and bring the buttocks to the ground. Repeat 2 times, then switch sides.

👷Lateral lounge from Planck walkout

increase your mobility and flexibility
 increase your mobility and flexibility

💪Mobility for this: inner thighs

Stand with the core and legs 6 to 10 inches wider than the buttocks. (A) Bend the right knee and grab the right buttock, keeping the back flat and the left leg straight. Return to starting position and repeat on the other side. (B) From the standing position, with the back straight, move the palm of your hand far enough to touch the floor (in the last representative, hold here for 10 seconds). Walk with the palms of the hands in a wide ankle position, with the wrists over the shoulders, the knees straight, and the spine aligned from the neck to the buttocks. Then, pull the head and walk back to the arms and legs. Repeat twice.

👷Spacious squats with internal rotation

increase your mobility and flexibility
 increase your mobility and flexibility

💪Mobility for: Hips

(A) Standing, legs wider than hip-width. Shoulders on buttocks, attractive core. Extend the arms in front of you, and down into a squat. (B) Rotate the right leg without moving the left leg, pivot the leg, knee, and buttocks inward (last representation, hold here for 10 seconds), and assign the left glue to the greater internal rotation of the right hip. Rotate the back of the right leg squat, then stand up. Do the exercise 2 more times, then change sides.

👷Single-leg deadlift from knee drive

increase your mobility and flexibility
 increase your mobility and flexibility

💪Mobility for: hamstrings, lower back, and glutes

Start standing on the left leg, attractive glue. (A) Hold the buttocks, bring the torso to the floor and extend the right leg behind you, the body in a straight line (in the last representation, hold here for 10 seconds). (B) Then, drive with the left glue to stand back, pull the abs and bring the right knee to the chest, holding it until you feel the glute stretch. Repeat 2 times, then switch sides
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