5 yoga represents a flexible and strong spine | 5 yoga exercises for back pain

 5 yoga represents a flexible and strong spine | 5 yoga exercises for back pain


5 yoga exercises for back pain

 5 yoga exercises for back pain

Here are 5 yoga exercises for a flexible and strong spine that can help you increase your back speed and reduce back pain. Feel free to share with anyone with back pain. When you feel low back pain? Cry for help on your spine! In our busy lives, we often spend time at our work desks or be distracted by our smartphones. This can lead to flexibility and weakness of the spine. The result is a misalignment of the spine such as the S-shaped hump or hump. Trying to do some backup yoga can help you to prevent these problems.

Yoga and yoga exercises can be helpful in relaxing strong muscles and tendons. Most of us stay very much in our daily lives and it makes the back muscles, thighs, and seat very strong. Regular stretching can be a great way to prevent stiff muscles and stiff joints

1. H. Ivanasana  (Scouting dog position)

5 yoga exercises for back pain
5 yoga exercises for back pain

This yoga opens the chest, stretches the abdominal muscles, and activates the lower spine in a positive way. Lie down with the palms of your hands between your ribs. Then pull your legs together and press the tops of your feet against the floor - at the same time use force behind you, not your hands, to lift your chest down. Keep your legs straight and hold a position of 5 to 10 deep breaths. Repeat as many times as you feel the need.

2. "Half Matsyendrasana" (rotation work) Yoga exercises after half

5 yoga exercises for back pain

 5 yoga exercises for back pain

This sitting position provides increased flexibility and movement in the spine and back muscles. This can be a daunting task, so do not try if you do not feel comfortable with some of the exercises in the article. Take a deep breath and turn to the side in peace - do not move, but move very quietly to the side. Hold the 7-8 deep breaths and repeat on the other side.

3. Marjiason Bitilasna (making a cat camel) Cats train camels

5 yoga exercises for back pain

 5 yoga exercises for back pain

The cat cam exercise is a great and great joint activity that provides extra movement throughout the spine. It stretches and gives extra flexibility to the back, chest, and neck. This is an excellent exercise for those who need to relieve stiffness in the neck and back. Start by standing around, then slowly lower your back, but firmly push your back toward the ceiling. Repeat the exercise 3-4 times in 8-10 sets.

4. Balasana (chest and back extension) Yoga posture Balasana ana

5 yoga exercises for back pain

 5 yoga exercises for back pain

Stand on your knees and let your body move forward with your arms open. Put your head down and stretch your arms out in front of you until you feel a slight stretch in your neck and up. Do 4-30 sets over a period of 3 seconds.

5. Kapotasan Du (Duestileen) The dove has stopped

5 yoga exercises for back pain

 5 yoga exercises for back pain

Standing may be challenging at first because it requires some flexibility in the hips and knees. The reason for this success is that strong hips can have a painful back effect. Hold 5 to 10 deep breaths, then switch to the other side and repeat as needed.

These are subtle yoga exercises that should be performed daily to get the maximum effect - but we know that busy weekdays do not always allow you, so we welcome you even if you do so on other days.
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