Causes of sudden weight gain in girls

 Causes of sudden weight gain in girls

Causes of sudden weight gain in girls
Causes of sudden weight gain in girls

Being overweight or obese is a big problem in the world. Eating unhealthy fatty foods, not exercising—are major causes of weight gain. Apart from this, there are some other factors that cause sudden weight gain.

V lifestyle website BoldSky's health section has revealed some of the reasons why women suddenly gain weight.

1. Hormonal imbalance

Weight increases when the estrogen hormone decreases in the body. In other words, mood swings occur during hormonal imbalances. It often leads to overeating and weight gain.

2. stress

Stress is a major cause of weight gain. It can also be called a silent killer in weight gain. When you are under stress, cortisol hormone is released more. It contributes to weight gain.

3. Unhealthy eating habits

Eating unhealthy food without eating well can lead to weight gain. Many people think that they can lose weight without eating. The idea is very wrong. Without eating, weight will not be reduced, on the contrary, it will be damaged. Because, if you don't eat at one meal, you will eat more the next meal, more calories will be consumed. It will increase weight.

4. medicine

Medicines are also sometimes responsible for weight gain. Birth control drugs or methods often cause weight gain. In addition, antidepressants can also cause weight gain.

5. laziness

Women who are lazy are more likely to gain weight. Physical labor or physical exertion, exercise works to reduce weight. Those who do not, gain weight. However, along with exercise or manual labor, caloric intake must also be controlled.

6. increase appetite

Excessive hunger is harmful to the body. If you are hungry, you eat more. More calories are consumed in the body, fat accumulates, weight increases. So don't eat too hungry. Eat small meals every two to three hours.

7. age

As the age increases, the strength of the female body decreases. At this time, reluctance in physical work is seen in many cases. In addition, the metabolism decreases a bit during this time, which leads to weight gain.

Also the following causes sudden weight gain in girls:

Hormonal problems: 

Weight gain can occur if the body's endocrine system is not functioning properly. Three of the most common problems are hypothyroidism, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and Cushing's syndrome.

If the thyroid gland is not functioning properly, the body's energy expenditure decreases but the level of energy storage remains the same. As a result, weight increases. In PCOS, the flow of glucose in the blood increases rapidly, resulting in weight gain. And in Cushing's disease, weight gain is due to excess cortisol.

Side Effects of Medicines: Various contraceptives and anti-anxiety medicines, steroids used to treat asthma, eczema, etc. have significant potential for weight gain. Contact your doctor if you feel you are gaining weight due to any medication you are taking.


Many people who are stressed become compulsive eaters. Consume more of various sugary foods and carbonated drinks. This is one of the biggest causes of weight gain if you are anxious. Also in this condition, the hormonal balance of the body is disturbed and this can also lead to fat accumulation.

Food Allergy:

 Eating a particular food without knowing that one is allergic to that food. According to one study, 1 in 10 people end up losing weight only because of allergies despite their best efforts to lose weight.

Commonly allergic foods include soy, gluten, lactose, eggs, nuts, etc. You can do an allergy test to be sure.

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