7 Worst Eating Habits That Lead to Rapid Weight Loss, According to a Dietitian | weight loss mistakes beginners make

7 Worst Eating Habits That Lead to Rapid Weight Loss, According to a Dietitian | weight loss mistakes beginners make

7 Worst Eating Habits That Lead to Rapid Weight Loss
  7 Worst Eating Habits That Lead to Rapid Weight Loss

Choosing foods that are low in calories and high in nutrition can be tricky, but some nutritionists and dietitians claim that if you eat the right types of food, you can lose weight quickly while your body still retains its nutrients. These experts have pinpointed five worst eating habits that lead to rapid weight loss when done correctly. If you’re looking to lose weight as fast as possible, these habits may be just what you need

Don’t skimp on calories

Calories are still king when it comes to weight loss. You can reduce calories via portion control or by filling up on healthier foods (which tend to be lower in calories anyway), but you have little control over how many calories your body burns each day. A reduction of just 500 calories per day can lead to significant weight loss over time. The important thing is not making any sudden changes that might send your body into starvation mode and cause it to hold onto fat stores instead of releasing them. This can actually backfire—and set you back—when your calorie deficit gets too big. So keep it small and doable!

Skip meals

Skipping meals means that your body will crave more food later on. For example, when you skip breakfast and don’t eat again until dinner time you’ll have several periods of intense hunger pangs throughout your day. Overeating at dinner can cause you to feel sluggish in between meals and gain weight over time.

Eat too much sugar

Sugar contains a lot of calories—4 calories per gram versus protein and fat’s 4.5 calories per gram—so it’s easy to consume too many on any given day. The American Heart Association suggests getting no more than 25 grams of sugar for women and 37.5 grams for men each day. Cutting out all sugar is even better, but that may not be realistic if you’re looking for quick weight loss

Eat too many processed foods

The issue with processed foods is that they are loaded with sodium and sugar—two ingredients that can cause bloating and water retention. Further, many processed foods contain artificial sweeteners like aspartame and saccharin

Use fad diets

Fad diets promise rapid weight loss but aren’t sustainable in the long term. They also generally emphasize cutting out entire food groups, which often results in nutritional deficiencies. As soon as you quit eating that way—as soon as you return to your normal diet—the weight will come back. And not only do you have a bunch of bad habits instilled that are hard to break; now you have no idea how much food is enough and what feels like an appropriate portion size.

You skip eating fat

When you skip eating fat, you’re also skipping vital nutrients like essential fatty acids and omega-3s. These are building blocks for hormones, which regulate hunger and satiety. Think of it as putting an empty gas tank in your car—the longer you go without food fat (which is slow to digest), the more likely you are to overeat later on because your body can’t tell when it’s full.

You lean on weight loss supplements without changing your diet.

If you’re serious about losing weight and keeping it off, you need to make changes in your diet. If you don’t change your eating habits, supplements aren’t going to do much for you. In fact, they might even be harmful because they can cause side effects like nausea and diarrhea. A better option is to get enough sleep so that your body can recover from exercise properly and avoid crash-dieting—which can lead to muscle loss and slow down your metabolism..
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